So, you have decided to start stuffing an artistic tattoo. You as a reasonable person, do not consider wild methods, like strings and paste from a pen, and realize that you will need some minimal set of equipment. What should be in it? It is the part of all top tattoo artist Edmonton at the dawn of their activity. Let's try to help.
What is a tattoo machine?
The tool of the tattoo artist, from which, as a rule, they begin to complete their first set of tattoo equipment. We will not change this stereotype and talk about cars.
Machines according to the principle of operation are divided into induction and rotary. Induction, in turn, is divided into liners and shades.
Let's find the exact definition by experts at tattoos Edmonton.
A tattoo machine is an electrical device that drives a tattoo needle. Regardless of the type, the following requirements are imposed on the tattoo machine:
• low weight - it is more convenient to work with a light machine;
• minimum of vibrations - such a machine is easier to make accurate drawings;
• power - piercing the skin with a frequency of several dozen beats per second is not so easy;
• high-quality assembly - tattoo machines are subjected to considerable loads and must endure them for a long time;
• Reliability - This should be understood not only as the tendency of a particular model to breakage but also as the ability to work for a long time without overheating and subsidence of characteristics;
• The beautiful appearance - is not as unimportant as it seems.
If you are not strangers to mechanics and you understand the principles of operation of simple mechanisms, you will see that the requirements are very contradictory. It is easier to ensure a minimum of vibrations and maximum power on a device with a larger mass - but working with a heavy machine is not so easy. The expert in microblading Edmonton says these are the best machine-to micro blend tattoos.
This also includes the build quality and the design as a whole - vibration has a destructive effect on all elements of the device. Finding the balance that most tattoo artists will enjoy is the art of the maker. Finding those models that are easy, convenient, and comfortable to work with is the task of a tattoo artist.